I’ve been a live audio visual performer since 2014.
I’ve developed a suite of open source software and hardware tools for video synthesis & live video performance including Waaave Pool, Video Waaaves, and many others.
I helped start, organize, and maintain Phase Space, a DIY video art educational collective based out of Brooklyn, NY from 2019-2023.
I helped start, organize and maintain Polyphase Portal, an online school centered on video and other media art classes.
I helped start, organize and maintain, a message board for video artists, video synthesists, and DIY tool developers.
I’ve been a guest lecturer at NYU Tandoor School of Engineering, Hamilton College, Wesleyan, University of Oregon, Calarts, and School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.
I have taught video art and video synthesis centered workshops at community spaces, universities, sketchy warehouses, synthesizer stores, punk venues, and fairly legitimate media art institutions all over the United States.
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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Guest Lecture & Live Stream: Tv Club (Hamilton College, Clinton, NY)
Full live stream available here.
Video Sync Festival (champaign-urbana Illinois)
I led a team of North American video artists and video synthesists in organizing a DIY celebration of video artists. In collaboration with local music festival Immersion Fest, we staged a full weekend of insane video art & video synthesis performances along with presentations on video art tools from Eli Mystic and Phil Baljeu. I did a live a/v performance in collaboration with Allen Riley on liquids.
Live A/V Performance (eagles club, minneapolis mn)

Live visuals for Mary Hanson Scott, solo live A/V performance. Photographs by Charles Hainsworth.
Residency at Ps1 (Iowa City, Iowa)

Hosted a video artist meet up and an Intro to Live Visuals workshop.
Live A/V Performance (Psychic Garden Rochestor New York)

Link to full performance.
Mall Magic Installation (Ithaca, New York)

Along with Paloma Kop, we set up interactive video feedback and video synthesis installations at the premiere of a new performance art peice by Anna Oxygen.
Intro to Live Visuals (Psychic Garden, Rochester, New York)

Workshop on live video feedback performance and video art tools, co-led with Paloma Kop.
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Video Artist and VJ meetup (Tuscon, AZ)

Residency at Coaxial Arts (LA, California)

Guest Lecture: Video Feedback and Video Art Tools (Calarts, California)

Intro to Live Visuals (Indexical, Santa Cruz, California)

Indexical Art Center, with Allen Riley and Denise Gallant.
Video Artist meetup (syzygy, SF)

Intro to LIve Visuals Workshop (cat factory SF)

Guest Lecture: Video Feedback and Video Art Tools (University of Oregon, Euguene Oregon)

Kevin Kripper’s Digital Design class.
Intro to live Visuals (Pinebox Studios, Euguene, Oregon)

Intro to Live Visuals Workshop (CETI, Synth Library Portland)

Video Mixer (CETI, Synth Library Portland)
Intro to Live Visuals Workshop (Patchwerks, Seattle)

Intro to Live Visuals Workshop (MNxAV, Minneapolis, MN)

Intro to Live Visuals (PS1 Iowa City, Iowa)

Feed Media Art Center Residency (Erie, Pa)

Along with Kevin Kripper and Paloma Kop, we did video synthesis installations, a live A/V performance, and an workshop on video art tools and techniques.
Out of Phase (Phase Space, Brooklyn, New York)

Interactive video installations and a live a/v performance at the farewell Phase Space show before Paloma and I left to go on the road as Phase Shift. Full video available here.
Introduction to Analog Video Signals (online)
An attempt to provide a video version of the class I ran regularly at Phase Space and on the road with Phase Shift from 2019-2024.
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Tantrick Acid (online)
Full length video mandala influenced by by Tantric Art and European Magick traditions.
Guest Lecture: Video Art Tools (NYU Tandon School of Engineering, New York, New York)

Along with Paloma kop, we took over a special edition of the Real Time AV class led by Monica Panzarino and showed students how to use video feedback with analog cameras and video mixers.
Guest Lecture: Video Art Tools (Hamilton College, Clinton, New York)

Along with Paloma Kop and Hunter, we led a class introducing analog video art tools to the TV Club class at Hamilton taught by Anna Oxygen. The entire lecture/class/workshop thing was livestreamed.
Guest Lecture: Video Art Tools (School of Visual Arts, New York, New York)
A short lecture and demo of various analog video art tools.
Mercuralia (Phase Space, Brooklyn, New York)

Live A/V performance with Paloma Kop as Reality Orp, interactive video art installations, and screening of excerpts from Tantrick Acid.
You’ve Stolen my heArt (zagreb, online)

Live talk on the creative work as private property and who owes what to who. A part of the Fubar glitch art festival.
Videosyntezie (Legnica, Poland, Online)

Screening of Prism Rain, from ULTRATERRESTRIAL as a part of the Intermediale festival.
Hexafloralia (Phase Space, Brooklyn, New York)

Live collaborative A/V performance with Paloma Kop and Irfan Brkovic, screening of ULTRATERRESTRIAL, and interactive video feedback installations.
Avemod Workshop (Phase Space, Brooklyn New York)

Led a workshop teaching basic soldering skills and analog video signal processing using the DIY glitch circuit Avemod. PCB designed by Syntonie, adapted from a design by Phil Baljeu, based on the Archer Video Enhancer video processor from Radio Shack.
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Phase Space collective Artist visit (2021, Weselyan University)

Hosted an interactive workshop on the history and practice of video synthesis and video feedback techniques, set up interactive video art installations, and performed a live a/v set; all together with other members of Phase Space Collective.
Hyperborealis (2021, Brooklyn)

Interactive audio visual installations and a collaborative live a/v performance with New Delusion, Jonathan Sims, and Valeria Divinorum.
ULTRATERRESTRIAL premiere and ama (2021, online)

A premiere of the full lenghth a/v album ULTRATERRESTRIAL followed by live qna as a part of the Vidicon video art convention.
Photon Playground (2021, Brooklyn)

A series of interactive video art installations as well as a collaborative live A/V performance with New Delusion.
Burning Man (2021, online)

A premiere of their track Hyperportal from the a/v album ULTRATERRESTRIAL as well as several collaborative a/v works featured at the Synaesthesia collective stage in the Dusty Multiverse.
Fu:bar (2021, online and Zagreb Croatia)

A live talk titled “Myth and Magic of Analog and Digital” and a premiere of their track “Prism Rain” from their a/v album ULTRATERRESTRIAL as a part of the fu:bar glitch art festival.
10 years of XZX (2021, online)

A 5 hour retrospective of 10 years of creating audio visual art. Full video available here.
Contraction and Relaxation (2021, online)

A live a/v performance streamed from Phase Space for Valentine’s Day 2021. Full video available here.
The Strange New Science of Chaos live a/v remix (2021, online)

A live streamed a/v remix of an old Nova episode on the subject of Chaos Theory. Full video available here.
Onyxmxy music video (2021)

A music video for the song “Onyxmxy.” All music, dancing, and video by Andrei Jay. Full video available here.
“Smiling in Stereo” WMFU interview & a/v remix (2021, online and broadcast)

Interview with Matthew Bergey for their WFMU program “Smiling in Stereo.” A/v remix of the interview available here.
“Video_Waaaves: Open Source Video Synthesizer Tools” (2021, online)
An online class presented by Echo Park Film Center and led by Andrei Jay covering the basics of their Video_Waaaves suite.
“Introduction to Creative Coding and Video Synthesis” (2021, Zagreb, Croatia and online)

A week long online course hosted by fubar/hacklab covering the basic concepts of building video synthesis programs in the creative coding language Processing.
“A Cilia Life Rift” music video (2021)

A music video for the song “A Cilia Life Rift.” All music, dancing, and video by Andrei Jay. Full video available here.
Video Synthesis Tarot (2021 and ongoing, online)

An ongoing series that explores links between visual communication techniques in tarot decks and video synthesis. Full playlist available here.
Phase Space Bed-Stuy farewell (2021, Brooklyn )

Curated and screened video works with Phase Space collective at our final show at our Bed-Stuy location.
Dancing in the Streeets (2021, Bathurst AU)

In collaboration with Michael Killalea and Esem Projects, Andrei Jay designed a customized version of their Waaave_Pool video synthesizer to provide a hands free and constantly evolving series of video feedback environments that participants were encouraged to physically interact with.
Borganorganasm (2020, online)

Live a/v performance for NYE 2020. Full video available here
Ephemeris Time (2020, online)

A video art gala curated by Andrei Jay and streamed at Full archive of the show (split into 4 blocks) can be found here, here, here, and here.
Landforms Live a/v performance (2020, Brooklyn and online)

A live audio visual peformance at Wonderville and live streamed using various custom built audio and video synthesis programs.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Videosyntezie (2020, Legnica Poland, Online)

4 Short videos screened IRL and online, all examples of Video Feedback as models of physical Systems: “Scalar Expectancy Theory,” “Biradial Symmetry,” “Conspiracy of Grains,” and “Luminant Convection.”
Earth to Venus music video (2020)

Music video for the song “Earth to Venus” by Don Slepian. Full video available here.

Co-led a build session of the OGA, a DIY circuit for vector synthesis on x-y oscillscopes with Irfan Brkovic. PCB design adapted from the original Popular Electronics article by Phil Baljeu.
Terence Mckenna live a/v remix (2020, online)

A collaborative remix with Paloma Kop of a classic Terence Mckenna interview from Thinking Allowed on the subject of Hallucinogens and Culture. Full video available here.
EEEE What is the Sound of this Shadow (2020, Brooklyn and online)

A collaboration with Katy Pinke where I used Temporal Vortex and Waaave Pool to create textural environments and temporal confusion during Katy’s poem-play performance.
VIDICON (2020, online)

A live audio visual performance with Paloma Kop featuring guzheng and singing saw amongst other mysterous and spurious sounds. Full video available here.
Videffektor Workshop (2020, Phase Space, New York)

Co-led a build of the Videffektor DIY glitch circuit with Irfan Brkovic. Pcbs provided from the Fluxmonkey.
Vector Hack Festival (2020, Various locations in Croatia and online)

A live streamed talk on vector synthesis, lissajous curves, and the vast world of harmonic structures found in musical scales beyond the western culture’s pythagorean 12 tone. Talk (and a great deal else of the festival!) can be viewed here.
Recursive News (2020, Phase Space New York, Croatia, online)

Camera work, t-bar jockey, audio channeling, photon grip. An absurdist attempt at a live News broadcast livestreamed for FU:BAR. Full video available here.
Sync In (2019, Phase Space, New York)

Interactive video installations and live a/v performance.
Chav Workshop (2019, Phase Space, New York)

Helped folks build Cha-cha-CHAV glitch video devices Co-led with Irfan Brkovic.

A series of interactive installations and A/V performances with the Phase Space Video Art Collective. Cameras were set up pointed out at Lexington Avenue and run through various forms of video feedback and projected back out of the windows so all foot and car traffic became a part of this spatio temporal sculpture.
VIDICON (2019, Phoenix)
An introductory talk on Video_Waaaves and the principles of video feedback as well as numerous interactive demo sessions and collaborative performances. Talk is available here (decent audio, laggy video).
Shrine 2 (2018 Digital Arts Demo Space, Chicago)

A remote installation of an interactive open source video feedback software I designed called Fractal Farm. Fractal Farm was the precurser to WAAAVES, and as such is sort of the Grand-Parent of Video Waaaves.
Telepresence 2 (2018, H0l0, Brooklyn)
An interactive demo of various digital video synthesis and processing programs based around the superformula, mixing sources via bitwise operations, and mapping camera inputs as control sources for abstract graphical environments. Displaye on a deconstructed PC and LCD in a recycled camcorder case.
Shrine 1 (2017 Digital Arts Demo Space, Chicago)

Two interactive installations:
1. A CRT wall with a camcorder pointed at the viewer with that feed mixed with an analog camcorder feedback loop as well as live video input from various other artists at the space so that as humans walked by they found themselves reflected as embedded both in the video art installations and dislocated in space time
2. Another CRT wall featured a digital video synthesis system based off of nonlinear dynamic systems. Participants were invited to use a controller to navigate through the fractal phase space and do their best to cause the program to crash.
BUGOUT BUNKER (2017 Knobcon, Chicago)

An interactive installation combining digital video synthesis programs written in Processing combined with analog camcorder feedback and live performance with the setup.
GLITCH ART IS DEAD OPENING (2017 Gamut Gallery, Minneapolis)
An interactive installation with analog camcorder video feedback and digital video synthesis programs written in Processing mixed together in an unsynced video mixer. Participants were encouraged to take the camcorder and explore the gallery as well as try out feedback through the unsynced mixers. Video from the opening here.
MAVPS VIDEO COLLECTIVE (2014-2015 Chicago, various locations )

An interactive installation with analog camcorder video feedback and digital video synthesis programs written in Processing mixed together in an unsynced video mixer. Participants were encouraged to take the camcorder and explore the gallery as well as try out feedback through the unsynced mixers. Video from the opening here.
MAVPS VIDEO COLLECTIVE (2014-2015 Chicago, various locations )

Together with Sara Goodman and Daniel Sharp we hosted a series of audio visual performances at various locations with an emphasis on real time video performance.
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