video circuits facebook
reddit video synthesis page
vj union
mod wiggler video synthesis
vector synthesis facebook
electro-music video synthesis and manipulation
reddit video circuit bending
(archival but great info) hardware reviews from vj central
videonic@ facebook (spanish language mainly)
Video Synthesis Ecosphere Discord (invite link)
lords of light discord
lzx forums
lines ( audio mostly but still cool )
glitch guild discord
infinite content collective discord
software, creative coding frameworks etc
hydra a live coding browser based video synthesis system
signal culture apps a variety of video processing applications (osx and windows 10 only)
r_e_c_u_r an open source diy raspberry pi based video sample player and processor
vector synthesis library for vector synthesis in Pure Data
vsynth a video synthesis system for max/msp
software oscilloscope
the book of shaders just a fantastic intro to coding fragment shaders and also check their github for a lot of useful shader utilities
video_waaaves a software based video mixer plus framebuffer that also works as a chaotic synthesis system (full disclosure I wrote this program and it is not terribly well supported anymore)
lumen osx only
vdmx osx only
touchdesigner (and some video synthesis inspired td patches)
pure data
institutions, venues, community organizations, events
alfred university electronic integrated arts
institute for electronic arts alfred new york
signal culture loveland colorado
saic chicago
syzygy san francisco
indexical santa cruz
ceti portland
synth library portland
coaxial arts la
feed media art center erie pa
patchwerks seattle
wavefield brooklyn
ps1 iowa city
psychic garden rochester ny
fubar croatia
vector hack croatia
intermediale poland
video sync usa
polyphaseportal online online
vintagetek portland
av club sf san francisco
livecodenyc new york
blacklidge community collective tuscon az
internet archive online
media pollution la
digital debris la
recommended books & other readings
(pairs well with libgen)chaos:making a new science by james gleick
complexity the emergeing science at the edge of order chaos by m michael waldrop
the fractal geometry of nature by benoit mandelbrot
a new kind of science by stephen wolfram
sync: how order emerges in the universe, nature, and every day by steven strogatz
dynamics: the geometry of behavior by ralph abraham
adventures of a mathematician by stanslaw ulam
the cosmic trigger by robert anton wilson
emergence by steven johnson
godel, escher, bach, and I am a strange loop by douglas hofstadter
the archaic revival by terence mckenna
the dawn of everything by david graeber and david wengrow
complete short fiction of r a lafferty
history of us liquid light shows
radical software zine
the culture novels by iain m banks
video art hardware sales
mystic circuits
visible signals
sleepy circuits
cat full of ghosts
scopic modular
dave jones
erogenous tones
liquid light lab
foxing hour
radiator (laser/x-y synth)
DIY projects
dirty mixer
panasonic wj-mx10 luma key mod
archer video enhancer circuit diagram
and archer video enhancer pcbs for modding
Really big google drive folder of projects
artists and individuals of note (who have websites)
paloma kop
gay felony
eva aguila
steve pavlovsky
denise gallant
allen riley
sarah turner
kevin kripper
cable visions
bill wiatroski
fetz a/v
stephen radley
evan sirchuk
rich ddt
cyberboy 666
sean russell hallowell
omar de kok-mercado
cs konopka
benton c bainbridge
kit young
jonathan sims
shawna lee
alex pelly
lia coleman
color swim
anna oxygen
documentaries, interviews, misc video art videos
a rip of a vhs of a chaos documentary from the 1980s
if you like computer graphics of fractals and academics sitting on cray computers this is for you
the creeping garden
slime molds are very interesting to me
its filled with technology
synopsis video synthesizer
daniel sandin interview
laurie speigal interview
everything i know by buckminster fuller
more sandin image proessor
phil morton is cool
synoid thats hot!1
secret life of machines
the art of video feedback
video synthesis in music videos playlist
space time dynamics
vintagetek youtube channel
here comes everybody
hi fi for the eyes
Robs little Whiteboard school a course in working with analog video signals by Rob Schafer
nonlinear dynamics and chaos
algorthms and more algorithms
principles of computation
digital signal processing
video feedback
softolgy some good tips and great links to video feedback experiments from all overthe ultimate video feedback page archived, not positive if all of thee links within work
library genesis every book is seems to be here
soulseek 2025 and its still great
internet archive a great place too look up fractals
a libary of service and owners manuals for much old video gear
vegetarian indian food
eric p dollard
the philidelphia experiment
white hole
world reciever
the golden horograms
u-skate world a guide to the grey stokes reaction diffusion system
if any of these links turn out to be dead and/or you have any suggestions for stuff to get added on here shoot me a line at ex.zee.ex at g mail dot comm and ill fix it at some point
internal stuffs
Here are some textual information dumps

Getting Started With Video Feedback

How Does Video Feedback Work?

How To Capture analog Video Onto a Computer
It turns out that parts of some of my VSERPI manuals are like now some of the most concise online information on certain video synthesis things. so here are those. i should really divorce them from their specfic context tho for better long term archival purposes.
Slitscan Video (temporal vortex)
Scan Processing (spectral mesh)
Vector Synthesis (phosphorm)