This course will cover my personal approach to the fusion of Magickal practice with creative processes.
1. The homeworks for this class will all require some method of creating video art, so you will have to have some kind of access to tools for creating video art whether it involves computers, cameras, hardware mixers, synthesizers, editors, OBS, animations, or whatever!
2. The classes will all involve discussions, so please come ready to talk and share your thoughts!

class 1: What is Magick? How is it used nonreflexively every day, and what are various approachs folks have had to develop reflexive usages over history? Traditional and abstract methods of narrative. Holography and Sigils
class 2: The sufi approach, the monastic approach, art industry, and art jails. Goethe, color and perception.
class 3: Animism, entities, demons, angels, and the Genius. Pantheons, ecologies, and political systems. Metamagical thinking and the Fool.
class 4: Shapes, curves, motion and sensuality. Magick and video art techniques embedded within ‘traditional’ narrative contexts.
class 5: (optional): show and tell, general feedback session

Each class will be 1-1.5 hours long and will have 1 set of homeworks that are recommended to finish before the next class session.
Each class session will be recorded and the video will be made available in the classes shared drive if anyone wants to go back over details or had to miss part of or all of the class.
The total cost for the course will be 100usd.
The classes will be held via a video channel on the VSERPI discord.