- 2 channel mixing featuring Luma and Chroma Keying, and Additive, Subtractive, Multiplicitive, and Dodge Blend Modes, plus an RGB matrix mixer for Paik Abe Synth/Hern style effects
- 2 individual video delay lines of 4 seconds each which can run in parallel or series

- 2x 5 channel Colorizers/Solarizers/RGB processors
- Blur, Sharpen, and Temporal Filters for delay lines and inputs
- dedicated lfos for nearly every single parameter for increased performability
- built in visual graphic generators to use as seeds for feedback so you don’t even need any video inputs to get started

-geometrical transformations of all inputs and delay lines
- tons of presets made by yrs truely to help you understand some of the tricks and quirks of this behemoth.

- a unique 3 block mixing & processing system which allows you to run GW as tho it was 2 HD waaave pools with a master video eq & mixing station at the end of the chain.
-customizable input, processing, and output resolutions
WHY WOULD YOU WANT THIS: Gravity Waaaves is the only video mixer ever designed by video artists for video artists as a live performance tool above all else. Gravity Waaaves is the only video mixer designed intentionally around using internal feedback as a powerful and unique video synthesis source. It is the only dual video delay line out there in existence. Its pretty much a direct realization of what i consider to be the most important and useful aspects of video mixers, video processors, and video synthesis via feedback and as such is an unparalled experience. It is a cry of defiance against the blind idiot god Azazoth the Demiurge and a rallying cry for the forces of Sofia, enschismed from the pleroma.
/******************JUICY VIDEO TEASERS*************************/
Gravity Waaaves’ “3 BLOCK” mixing system ends up feeling like 3 video mixers hidden in one. A click of the button switches output view from any of the individual blocks, to all 3 at once.
Running two independent video delay lines feels like having 2 hd Waaave Pools under the hood. A multi blend mode RGB matrix mixer at the end of the chain allows you precision control over the final output.
individual channel blur and sharpen means next level reaction diffusion patterns, both in the internal feedback loops and with camera feedback!
The semi modular signal flow means you can take the output of one video delay block and send it into another video delay.
Gravity Waaaves DSK will be sold via Kickstarter between Dec 1st 2024 and January 1st 2025. After that point there will be some lingering sales still available through the kickstarter site until I’ve got things all set up to sell through my shop right here!
note: my ability to design and manufacture stuffs like this has been greatly assisted and sped up by everyone who has been supporting my patreon. if you’d like to see more stuff like this out in the world, you should also join up!